4th world oasis
cosmopolitix by 4th world oasis
uranus in gemini: civil war post 2025

uranus in gemini: civil war post 2025

DISCLAIMER: This analysis is not to scare you, it’s to prepare you.

First of all, thank you so much for tuning in! We’re glad you’re finally here.

This is an hour long podcast pertaining to the major themes of the upcoming Uranus in Gemini transit that we will experience next year in 2025.

For some context, the United States, as well as Israel shockingly, will be experiencing their Uranus Returns in the coming year. As a society, we haven’t experienced Uranus in the sign of Gemini since WWII. Prior to that was during the Civil War, and first and foremost was during the Revolutionary War, giving the US its natal Gemini Uranus.

CJ and I have been ruminating on our thoughts about these transits for the past two years. The one thing about being an astrology girlie is that nobody listens to us until it’s too late. Being that the most notable pattern with this transit in the context of the United States’ chart is that intense wartime, particularly civil war, has transpired every transit, that is of considerable significance that can’t be overlooked. These far-right militias are not playing, the stakes are high and we all see it clearly.

The major energies that will face disruptions, shocks, and changes that will be of prominence for society globally but particularly this country will have a heavy air influence due to both Pluto and Uranus shifting into air signs.


  • civil war

  • borders

  • education

  • transportation

  • communication

The most important thing we need to digest is that this is not the time for defeatism. This is the time to use this information to our advantage and prepare accordingly. The greatest revolutionaries in history (as well as our enemies) completely understood how our material realities are connected to the cosmos; we need to honor their knowledge, legacy, and determination by utilizing these same tools for our own chapter in the struggle.

Time Stamps

  • 0:27 — Intro: touching base on Uranus in Gemini’s impact US politics, borders, travel and communication in regards to far right movements and civil war

  • 1:33The Texas Question: current context between Texas and the national guard, Gregg Abbot and federal government and how the state will be the catalyst for 2nd American civil war.

  • 8:48 Uranus in Taurus and Changes to Food Supply: predictions on Texas threatening to jack up food prices to get their demands met by the feds. Food chain disruptions due to Texas’ major hold on agriculture in the country.

  • 10:50Disruptions to Food over Politics: Uranus shifting signs leading to disruption between food access and transport due to political divides

  • 16:21 — White Flight 3.0: Liberal Americans suddenly fleeing cities for protection under white nationalism during Uranus in Gemini

  • 19:49 — TradWife/Soft-Life content: aesthetic far-right propaganda under Uranus in Taurus as the precursor to aligning ideologically with white nationalism post-2025

  • 23:42 — Preparing for Propaganda: moving past aesthetics of progress (Uranus in Taurus) and building a solid political foundation (Uranus in Gemini)

  • 27:42 — Neptune in Aries: global historical context and context within the American Civil War

  • 28:23Homestead Act 1862: westward migration during Uranus in Gemini transit where white settlers granted *160 acres of indigenous land if they did not raise arms (gemini) against the government

  • 30:55 USA Uranus Return: sudden shocks and deadly disputes in people’s relationships over ideologies and motivations in their desires for revolution

  • 33:40 Panic of 1857 Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse 2024 and the Aries-Libra Nodal Axis: war-like eclipses from events that foreshadowed the first civil war mirroring upcoming eclipses

  • 34:06 — April 8th Eclipse 2024 synastry with Civil War 1861: heavy Aries and martian energy conjunct the USA’s natal placements

  • 36:42 — Oregon’s Uranus Return: Oregon’s history as a white utopia and the two current secession movements from far-right movements

  • 40:53*Proud Boys and Patriot Front in New York: far-right groups crossing state borders, liberal cities seeing increased presence of armed forces in subways and cities with upcoming Uranus in Gemini transits

  • 42:49 Community Defense Training: gemini = arms (bodily and weaponry) learning defense training is critical for the revolution during this transit

  • 45:03Idaho and White Flight 2025: Idaho planning to get white supremacists to move to build an ethnostates.

  • 46:00 Traveling Outside of Cities for Political Grounding: knowing your enemy, where they live and where they operate

  • 47:28Changes to State Borders: modern redlining and gerrymandering to create new white ethnostates.

  • 49:08Israel’s Uranus Return: changes to Israel’s borders in the upcoming year, armed boots on the ground, and global solidarity (Pluto in Aquarius)

  • 53:04Air Strikes and Biological Warfare: air-born weaponry and surveillance for both revolutionary and oppressive forces

  • 55:09 — Innovative and Shocking Forms of Communication: antique and surprising forms of communication (including carrier pigeons!) for revolution due to surveillance state’s destruction (Pluto in Aquarius)

  • 1:00:03Sudden Disorder on Highways: protests and sudden seizing of roads from both revolutionary and oppressive forces and potential underground railroads

  • 1:03:45 Libraries and Physical Media: importance of printed media and revolutionary literature during Pluto in Aquarius’ destruction of the internet, free streaming and free access to media

  • 1:05:51 — Biden + Solar Eclipse 2024: thoughts on the outcome of the primary election and cause of civil war

  • 1:09:36Organizing Across Borders: necessity of movement building across state borders

  • 1:13:00 April Solar Eclipse 2024 Conjunct Texas Natal Pluto: at 22 degrees in Aries (kill or be killed degree). Solar eclipse falling over Texas will signal nationwide disruption sourced from the state for either transportation, civil war, education, armed struggle, and/or airborne destruction.

✧ Synastry Chart of the First Day of the Civil War x Upcoming Total Solar Eclipse of April 2024.

The above is the synastry chart of the first day of the civil war overlayed with the upcoming total solar eclipse of April 2024. The most notable aspects being:

  • Aries Suns are conjunct

  • Aries Venuses are conjunct

  • Pisces Neptune’s are conjunct in their final degrees

In 1857, a few years before the Civil War was said to have formally commenced, the nodes were stationed the Aires-Libra axis. The eclipses this year in 2024 are a direct mirror of the eclipses that occurred in 1857, with the mirroring energies of internal tensions brewing just as they did back then. Mars energy is dominating overlapping energy from the past Civil War to these upcoming eclipses for America. It wouldn’t be surprising to see similar events that happened in 1857 based on where the signs were sitting.

On April 8th 2024, the transiting sun moon and Chiron will be conjunct the US’ Chiron in the 4th house by 1 degree, with an Aries north node 15 degrees conjunct the US’ natal Aires Chiron. Wounds, aggression, and hurt within your home territory will be the major themes foreshadowed with these eclipses. With this upcoming total solar eclipse in Aries and lunar eclipse in Libra, what have we learned from that eclipse, what can we learn this go around, and how can we prepare for the catalysts that spur afterwards?

Theses transits are following in astrological pattern and we need to be paying attention. It’s of considerable note that the upcoming total solar eclipse will conjunct Texas’ Pluto at 22 degrees in Aries as well, with the the solar eclipse expected to be making a visible path running straight through Texas. We will see how this transformative transpires from the state to affect the rest of the country in the coming months and year.

✧ Greg Abbots January 24, 2024 Letter to the Federal Government & Far Right Militias

As stated in our podcast, we believe that with the April solar eclipse falling over Texas, we believe that this state will be a major catalyst for civil war and internal revolutionary struggle within the US. It’s highly possible that Texas will take an economic approach FIRST before doing anything with legislature in regards to border changes, seceding, new territory formations etc.

We are currently in a Uranus in Taurus transit, so this energy might manifest in material, earthy actions such as: Texas refusing to pay taxes to the federal government, requiring non-texans to pay a tax to travel to and from the state (before Uranus ingresses into Gemini), baring non-Texans from being able to purchase homes, imposing trade and business restrictions, etc.

On the flip side, as discussed by the efforts of other states like Idaho, Texas could offer incentive to non-Texans to move to the state offering hope and promises of a better life compared to their home states (think: MAGA but for states rights). Regardless, this is an unstable period gearing up to a shifting of signs. The material and business side of the state will face unexpected shocks will be the precursor to next years Uranus in Gemini transit.

In general, material shocks, changes and disruptions that we have witnessed the past several years have intensified with Uranus in Taurus and the United States’ Pluto return in the 2nd house. As a result, rapid inflation, growing gentrification of black and brown communities, rising criminalization of homelessness, anti-poor legislature, and increased raids of homeless encampments have started to occur more frequently across the nation without any signs of stopping. These destructive shocks to people’s access to resources and finances have thus resulted in a very convenient line of fascist thought of local governments increasing their police budgets and deploying more cops and armed forces in public to ‘fight theft and crime’, creating the classic self-fulfilling prophecy of white supremacist and fascist logic.

Left image: Proud Boys (far right white supremacist group) admitted into the subway for free by the NYPD and MTA, January 2023. Both of these city agencies routinely fine and arrest poor black and brown New Yorkers if they're unable to pay $2.75. Right image: Patriot Front spotted in subway, January 2024

As Uranus is gearing up to shift into Gemini, the presence of underground militia and armed forces by both far-right groups and local police/military have been creeping up in visibility as the months go on. Increased policing and police budgets have been an upward trend in New York City for decades and have only skyrocketed during this Uranus in Taurus transit. Once fully ingressed into Gemini, increased presence of armed forces will pop up even more sporadically and suddenly in trains, highways, and airports. On top of armed suppression, border changes and increased surveillance on state borders regardless of if they neighbor Canada or Mexico will increase as revolutionary action grows. This will prompt us to figure out new methods of getting around and organizing safely to subvert both the surveillance state (Pluto in Aquarius) and armed oppressive forces (Uranus in Gemini).

TOP: An illustration from Jesse Torrey's 1817 book, "A Portraiture of Domestic Slavery in the United States. BOTTOM: Border patrol agent rounding up and whipping Haitian migrants at US-Mexico Border under Biden’s administration, 2021

✧ Liberal America Going Full Mask Off

Libra (and the 7th House by association) is about finding balance; the scales can never be fully tipped to one side or the other, much like the politics of liberals never being firmly planted in any morals so long as they can appease everyone at the same time. Very libra. As local and nationwide tensions start to ramp up as we switch signs from Uranus in Taurus to Uranus in Gemini, liberals in particular will be forced by the conditions to hop of the fence that they’ve perpetually rode and decide where they align. What do folks really stand for? Are you protecting yourself alone or are you invested in protection of the collective, which will include you regardless?

This astrological axis over the next several years will examine the themes of self-preservation (Aries/1H) vs the collective preservation of others (Libra/7H). On the flip side, are you fine with being alone if it means you stood firm in your morals (Aires) or will you find comfort in not having to pick a side (Libra)?

With the incoming US Uranus return, sudden shocks (Uranus) to people’s relationships (7H) over ideologies (gemini), a lot of folks are going to come to the shocking discovery that either they themselves or others are not in true alignment with the politics and morals that they allegedly claim to have. When it comes to revolution, what idea (gemini) for social change (aquarius) do folks have? Are you as aligned with your community as you think you are? Being that the 7th house rules both friends and enemies, folks are going to make tough assessments on who is in community and who isn’t, who is standing firm in their principles and who isn’t. Are folks yearning for change and revolution like they claim to be? Where is the rift in your desires for how society should look?

Ideologically boundaries will have to be drawn. Folks will start to have to make these firm stances sooner rather than later, and it will lead to people becoming quickly disillusioned with the friends and allies they thought were aligned with them. We can expect people to start to fully cut themselves off from friends and family and folks in general who are ideologically not aligned, with the high potential of it leading to aggressive disputes that could end up deadly.

Mental and physical antagonisms over morals will become a defining theme for this transit, and tough decisions will have to be made for who you can trust to be in community with. But overall, it will be much easier to discern who stands where ideologically and intellectually, making it easier for folks on both sides to see exactly who is in their camp or not.

✧ Rise of Patriotism, Tradwifes, and Subliminal Propaganda via Aesthetics

As quiet as its kept, the most paid influencers on the app aren’t folks like Charlie D’Amelio and Addison Rae. Sure, they as individuals are most likely set for life, but in terms of categories of influencers, the Mormon mommy bloggers are the ones racking in thousands upon thousands of dollars every month, even with minimal following or established community.

The rise in Tradwife and soft-life content is innately coded with white supremacy and fascism, and the messaging of it is just subtle enough for it to go under the radar. In a time of growing economic instability, hopeless job market, and attacks on everyone’s civil liberties, what’s more aspirational than seeing conventionally attractive, usually white, thin women in their 20’s and 30’s not having to worry about the social and financial pressures of the world when they can just bake and keep busy with interior design projects? Who else will capitalism reward the most other than the folks invested in the traditional American good ole boy values?

Emphasizing devotion to children, husband, and the family conjugal unit that conservatives always say is being threatened is heavily rewarded monetarily by the same industries that perpetuate these hierarchies. Above all, constant comfort is the selling point of these influencers. Being one of the primary pillars of white supremacy, the right to comfort has been presently under attack across all angles, ironically notably due to the same forces and tensions that whiteness needs to enforce itself. There are various degrees to tradwife/mormon content, but the emphasis on comfort, self sustainability, and implied protection in a time of constant social discomfort, instability, and threats to one’s bodily safety is the subliminal glow that draws viewership in the millions. Yet it cannot be overstated, that as beautiful as these women are, as perfect as this ‘simple’ life is, the content and the philosophies behind those that engage in it are rooted in a devotion to whiteness, christo-fascism, and patriarchy that conservatives have been long been fearing are under attack.

various stay-at-home mom content creators cited by the public to be curators of Tradwife TikTok content

Folks in power have been scrambling to get a hold of the youths perception of this country due to the rapid radicalization from online documentation and history has been disseminated over the past several years. And as with every election year, the attempts at stirring up a sense of nationalism from folks that are increasingly apathetic to this country will be spurred into overdrive, particularly with the use of aesthetics. Expect to see content such as ‘nice landlords,’ military and policemen going viral for calling out the ‘bad apples’, and feigning contempt for those in their professions that are overtly exploitative and violent in order to gain public sympathy. Additionally, we can expect celebrities that have remained conveniently silent and apolitical become the primary faces endorsing candidates to ‘save democracy’ and enable the same systems inflicting both domestic and international terror.

Nicely packaged liberalism and fascism will be communicated through the tried and true methods of media and aesthetics, particularly from influencers and music artists that have been conveniently silent during the last few months of genocide at the hands of the US and Israel. Becoming politically grounded, especially during this election cycle, will allow you to see past the smoke and mirrors and have a firm eye on the wolves behind the curtain trying to suspend your disbelief.

✧ Secession Movements and the 2025/2026 Uranus Return of the United States & Israel

In addition to ideological divides, physical divides via state, city, and even nation wide borders are likely to crop up during this time. Oregon will be experiencing its upcoming Uranus Return just as the general USA will. The PNW has been a bubbling hub for secessionist white settlers ever since its inception, with new movements gaining traction as the years go on. As white nationalists continue to claim power and feel emboldened to make their demands more clear, expect to see new efforts at gerrymandering for white ethnostates at both the local and state level.

Advocates of the Jefferson State secessionist movement repping their proposed flag

But these Uranus in Gemini theme’s aren’t reserved strictly for the US. Like mother like daughter, Israel’s first Uranus return will be coinciding with the US Uranus return, in which we can expect to see sudden and shocking changes to Israels borders as well. With the resistance in Palestine, Iran, South Africa, the Houthi’s and neighboring Lebanese armed assistance, a wave of global solidarity via more boots on the ground in support of the resistance is to be expected. Whether they want it or not, these borders will change, and as the Houthi’s have been foreshadowing major disruption to trade and transport as they have threatened to cut internet cables (pluto in aquarius) to stop the genocide, a full scale war could erupt if Israel and the US continue down this maniacal and diabolical path of depravity, leading to Israel’s inevitable downfall in the near future.

Uranus in Gemini: General Predictions

  • Food disruptions due to Texas

    • conservative farmers withholding food and agriculture from blue states in order to gain conservative power

    • food chain disruptions due to airborne illnesses (Covid, etc) sourced from Texas farmers

    • local agricultural initiatives becoming more mainstream due to trade disruptions

  • Liberals aligning with far right/conservative US nationalists

    • political boundaries drawn as tensions become too heavy to ignore

    • liberal middle class America having to decide if they want freedom or the status quo

    • attempts at sanitizing and co-opting revolutionary action by liberals, leading to internal us vs. them sentiments

  • White flight to rural America or Internationally

    • spontaneous white flight creating new immigration patterns

    • movement to rural communities to be in touch with nature and have monopoly on resources

  • Nationalist and patriotic propaganda via influencers, artists and celebrities

    • Tradwives, mormon/christian aligned stay-at-home mom influencers, and celebrities using patriotic imagery becoming vessels to invoke a sense of traditional and pro-USA sentiments in younger folks while global and domestic tensions arise

    • ‘nice fascism’ propaganda to sympathize with class antagonists

  • Highways and roads used as terrain for disruptions

    • roads patrolled or seized by both far right militias

    • roadways shut down in protest for revolutionary purposes

    • new ways to get around in and out of places

    • spontaneous networks of underground railroads

  • Changes to borders in Israel and USA

    • influx of white folks attempting to change local and state borders to isolate themselves from black and brown populations

    • change of borders within states in order to maintain resources and subjugate others to their demands and vision for how they want society to look

    • New overt displays of white ethno-statist gerrymandering, redlining, etc

    • borders drawn up by white nationalists to establish new territories in alignment with their values

    • certain states attempting to secede by joining forces with neighboring state

    • increase in sundown towns

  • New forms of technology for state surveillance and revolutionary purposes

    • innovative forms of communication to get around online censorship

    • disruptions to communication nationally and globally (Pluto in Aquarius)

    • antique and old school tactics to be in communication with little to no digital surveillance i.e. letters, carrier pigeons, flip phones, burner phones etc

    • walkie-talkies and radio communication making a comeback with new investment for emergencies or direct action

    • folks shifting off public apps to non-encrypted messaging apps

    • attacks and shut downs of archive and streaming sites prompting folks to move regular and revolutionary media offline

  • Freedom schools and changes to education

    • transformations to public and higher education, leading to alternative modes of schooling and information

    • polarizing education being taught outside of formal schooling, either revisionist or revolutionary knowledge

    • freedom schools established as conservative curriculum, book banning, and attacks to internet archives starts to sweep the country

    • classes for the community on how to sustain, provide and protect each other i.e. self defense, medical, electrical, agricultural etc training

    • community education for folks to become self sufficient and live communally with their neighbors

We will touch base on each of these Uranus in Gemini key topics in-depth in later episodes. Take your time listening to this, especially if this is your first time with political and historical mundane astrology. We know it’s long but we needed to lay out the general groundwork for this transit before doing deeper dives in following episodes. The time to be defeatist, to accept our conditions without resistance, let alone accept an apocalyptic hellscape that those not seeking freedom tell us will be built if we don’t stick to this current matrix, is not now, nor will it ever be needed. We have the ability to be strategic, to have better political discernment, and to above all have faith in ourselves. The work is happening, has been happening, and will continue regardless of what politicians tell us is possible with their consent or not.

Astrology is a powerful tool, the most diabolical people walking this earth know that to be true. We can also use this tool for ourselves to prepare and build for a better future. We have this incredible tool at our disposal informing us of how to anticipate the worst, and how to build for the best: the beauty of this foresight is now that we know how to use it, we won’t be knocked backwards when the worst happens. We prepared for it coming a mile away.

If you take anything from this, know that better world is possible, it’s within our imminent reach, and we have the ability to start planting the seeds for it today.

Discuss at length in the comments, we want to hear it all. your thoughts, questions, connections, epiphanies, everything! be safe <3

- dana & cj

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4th world oasis
cosmopolitix by 4th world oasis
society, politics, and revolution through an astrological perspective. we'll be breaking down upcoming transits, what they'll mean for us as a collective and how we can use these cosmological tools to prepare us in our chapter in fighting for a liberated world.
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