Apr 29Liked by Dana

Here is a map of farms near you


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ooo thank you so much for this !

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I’m not an astrologer, but I’ve been feeling this energy for a few years now and this confirmed it for me. There’s a huge shift happening, but I’m hopeful we can come together for a better future. I’ve been wondering if there’s any way for groups of people to start non profits that basically act as mini communities. I haven’t fully fleshed out this idea, but I think this may be a way to start by avoiding taxes, etc while giving people a place to live, with food to eat(grown on site), and keep them safe. This idea of mine started as a potential homeless shelter, but one that operates more like a hotel because people deserve decency. Now I’m thinking it may need to expand to accommodate many more…not sure yet, I’m just spitballing in your comments🤪 Do you know what states may not be so heavily impacted by the supremacist agenda? Like safe states, almost?

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Aug 8Author

hey friend <3 glad to hear you've been feeling this energy brewing, a better future is absolutely possible and in store for the collective. no need to establish a non profit since as you know it requires tax information, legal barriers etc, and also because the NPIC is benefits the employees rather than the communities they claim to serve. as we said, the best way to do this is through mutual aid networks. communities becoming autonomous again will be essential! re: your hotel idea, we def anticipate people seizing unoccupied homes, buildings etc and housing folks for free instead of having them lay empty. your mind and heart is in the right place!

in regards to the question of safe states, there are only different flavors of hierarchies and supremacy; no state is 'safe' but moreso some are better at hiding the overt violence of these systems (new york for example). it will def be down to the communities within each respective state/city/town to figure out how they can mobilize given the different needs each area might have.

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This is so helpful and cleared up a lot of clutter in my head. Thank you so much for responding to me!

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This was an incredible analysis!

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thank you so much !!! ⭐️

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