4th world oasis
cosmopolitix by 4th world oasis
uranus in gemini: borders & transportation edition

uranus in gemini: borders & transportation edition

y’all got your second passports ready?

We’re backkkk! 🛶🚲🛵🚉🚗🚡🚈🛼

It’s been a minute since we dropped Episode 1 of our cosmopolitix podcast , have y’all peeped anything transpiring that we mentioned since we dropped it? Well, as y’all have probably seen, many a transportation disaster/shock/change has occurred since we recorded this, and trust we have been tracking every single news story or development since then. we’ll keep posting them and have them under the #transportation tag for y’all to sift through as we keep leading up into this transit.

Time stamps below as per usual, written breakdown + further discussion/thoughts below.

Time Stamps

  • 0:00 - Intro: Background context of federal troops in NYC subways + reminder of themes co-ruled by Gemini and Uranus

  • 3:45 - Accidents with Transportation: highlights on recent accidents and mishaps with the airline and automobile industry, notably Delta and Boeing

  • 5:00 - Surveillance State & Pluto in Aquarius: destruction and violence in subways intensifies via the surveillance state

  • 5:51 - The Fight Over Seizing Control of Roads: fight for dominance and control of public transport between the state/far-right militias and the masses

  • 6:49 - Oregon’s Far-Right Road Blocks: police collaborating with far-right vigilante groups stopping and interrogating folks on roads in Corvette, Oregon

  • 7:50 - The Masses vs. Armed Militias Seizing Control of Public Transport, Roads & Sidewalks: MTA, National Guard, and Police protecting far-right vigilante groups patrolling subways vs. the masses blocking bridges, trains, and tunnels in protest of material conditions, war, and state-sanctioned violence

  • 14:12 - Blocking Routes of Weapons Manufacturers: direct action to stop air strike weaponry (Gemini) via shutting down ports, seas, & roads

  • 16:26 - Direct Action in the Historical Context of Previous Global Apartheids: revolutionary optimism and inspiration about stepping into the revolutionary spirit of liberation via the masses across all aspects of society

  • 19:22 - Realizing Our Necessary Roles in The Revolution: teaching your respective skill sets (tech, agriculture, childcare, medicine, environmental restoration, etc) to others and building out care infrastructures

  • 21:28 - Abandoned Tunnels & Organizing with Unhoused Comrades:

  • 24:11 - Abandoning Car Culture: boycotting e-vehicles that use lithium/cobalt etc, boycotting cars for environmental reasons, more investment in public transport, returns to antique forms of transportation such as scooters, skateboards, bikes, horses, boats, etc.

  • 26:00 - Community Oriented Transport & Walkable Cities: creating autonomous public transport via pooling for cars or buses, transforming roads and sidewalks for public land use & community green spaces

  • 26:50 - Boycotting Boeing & Major Airlines for Involvement in Defense Manufacturing: people boycotting buying flights that use Boeing planes for their role in genocide by supplying bombs and ammunition (SDB’s and JDAM’s) to Israel

  • 29:54 - Boycotting & Divesting from Auto-Manufacturers global solidarity in boycotting transportation manufacturers across the board that have direct hands in defense/military manufacturing, genocide, apartheid, oppression etc

  • 30:17 - Nodes Shift into Pisces/Virgo, Crumbling Infrastructure & Increase in Deadly Transportation Accidents: frequent and spontaneous deadly accidents involving transportation, bridges, roads, and general transport infrastructure due to lack of maintenance. Creative ways to get around or suddenly leave via boat and water.

  • 30:42 - Sudden Reversals of Public Access to Online Flight Logs: Pluto in Aquarius targeting the rich, politicians, and celebrities living lives of leisure at the expense of the masses and environment, sparking sudden shut-downs in accessing flight logs from the elite class. Targeted attacks on politicians via flight logs and receipts on transportation, prompting them to flee the country.

  • 31:58 - Fake Terror Attacks via Transportation & Propaganda to Instill Fear: locking down state and national borders; justification for state troopers and checkpoints under the guise of “safety”. Hysteria over crime and terror attacks to have manufactured consent for national guard in the subway, all state borders, searches, and security checks.

  • 34:00- Migrations due to States Rights versus Human Rights: restrictions on state populations leaving due to labor pool shortages & reversals in reproductive rights. Increased push by State legislature for tourism and incentivize folks to move via aesthetics & cheap homes (Uranus in Taurus) before pushing conservative centralized state power

  • 35:00 - April 8th Eclipse Over Texas: more mask-off examples of border militias and disputes between state government vs. federal government.

  • 35:43- International Community Impose Bans on US & Israeli Passports: countries from the periphery and semi-periphery banning US and Israeli travel as a way to impose a sanction and demand a stop to genocide and exploitation from the US Empire. Restrictions on airports barring entry from US and Israeli nationals.

  • 36:57 - Travel Restrictions on Israeli and US Citizens: tighter airline restrictions on travel and visa eligibility and travel. Fascist border measures to prevent people from leaving, plus internal migrations to rural land out of cities.

  • 39:00 - Other Countries Prevent Travel to US and Israel in Palestinian Solidarity: countries from the periphery and semi-periphery imposing tighter travel restrictions on travel for their own citizens traveling to US and Israel, affecting US labor pool. International sanctions on the US & Israel — trade to both countries may be halted, restricted, or completely banned.

  • 41:00 - Cuba's Natal Chart and Moves from US Territories to Decolonize: spontaneous and sudden interest in traveling to Cuba due to socialism, Cuba might be a potential player along with other allied countries. Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and mainland US indigenous territories, etc move to reclaim their land, pushing for gains in decolonization and achieving land sovereignty. US settlers have internal clashes with New Afrikans and Indigenous people in the US.

  • 44:00 - Texas Border Wall & Local Border Issues: struggles over land near the border wall, fighting between Central and South American migrants and state troopers. Changes to the Southern border and border wall, checkpoints created for travel. New routes and underground roads to get to and from places.

  • 47:00 - Arial Military Gadgets and General Retail Access: boycotts and divestment from tech due to military ties. New airborne technology for arial weaponry such as drones, small flying robots, etc for surveillance purposes. Ariel gadgets to be used for revolutionary purposes.

  • 52:49 - Infiltrating Tech and Military Fields for Revolutionary Purposes: Pluto in Aquarius + Uranus in Gemini prompting white-collar professionals utilizing inside knowledge to fight fascism via arming folks on the ground, arms training, cyber security/safety training, cyber attacks on banks, government, and weapons manufacturers, etc.

  • 56:31 - Shocks and Disruptions to Crumbling Infrastructure - roads, trains, bridges, airlines etc crumbling. Converting highways/roads/parking lots into mixed-use purposes for public use i.e. agriculture. C

[dana’s brief apologetic monologue]

— this podcast was recorded March 7th and should’ve been out four weeks ago but life was personally coming at me left right and center in addition to bouts of illness and surgery preparation so the time to get this out was not there. beyond sorry it took so long for this segment to drop, the weapons formed against me kinda prospered but they did NOT kill me. WE LIVEE!! thanks for your patience and understanding, we will be dropping podcast episodes weekly/biweekly going forward :’-)

Alaska Airlines flight 1282 using a Boeing 737. Entire side of the plane ripped off mid-flight and required emergency landing. Jan 6 2024.

✧ Air Travel

Astrology kills me because when it likes to be literal, it’s genuinely scary how on the nose transits can be. As stated in our first podcast episode, we will be getting sneak peaks of the upcoming energies of Uranus in Gemini as we approach its ingress. Though all travel is ruled by gemini, air travel will be the most prominent types of transportation that face the most changes, innovations, disruptions and shocks during this 9 year transit.

If you’ve been seeing an uptick in news reports on freak accidents in regards to the airline industry or anything to do with air, communication and/or travel, you aren’t crazy. Accidents, advancements, boycotts, disruptions, shocks and even assassinations involving anything to do with the air literally and figuratively will become common in 2025.

Decline of Airline Industry

As mentioned, as with the, we should anticipate shocks and deadly occurrences when it comes to the state of the airline industry. As mentioned with traditional Uranus rulership, assassination attempts are both Uranus and Gemini ruled.

Tell me why the DAY after me and CJ recorded this podcast back in March the Boeing whistleblower was found dead in an ‘alleged’ suicide …

Nothing genuinely needs to be said about Boeing that we haven’t already witnessed for ourselves over the past two weeks, let alone the past few months. We can expect to see massive as a company. Two of Boeing’s biggest customers are Ryan Air and Southwest Airlines, with both airlines facing calls for boycotts in demand of Boeing to stop arming genocide.

We can anticipate more boycotts, sabotage, and disruptions against Boeing and other weapons manufacturers such as Lockheed Martin and Raytheon as the resistance efforts continue to defeat the Zionist forces at hand. With both Pluto in Aquarius and Uranus in Gemini tag teaming next year, expect airport sit-ins, protests, shut-downs, technology disruptions, air-based warfare and assassination attempts, cyber attacks, and planned destruction and disruptions to travel across the board.

Sound of the Underground

It’s 2024. We have feds in the subway, far-right militias in the streets, cops terrorizing black and brown communities relying on mutual aid to get by, and no access to reproductive or queer healthcare unless you drive a million miles out of state. You need resources to survive, let alone methods of travel to just get around for mundane and organizing purposes but can barely get around without threats to your safety. What options are left?

Underground networks.

First, let’s remember that Gemini is ruled by mercury. Mutable air shit. To have your thoughts and words received by someone requires transportation of said thoughts and words to another person. Whether its via your voice or your hands, the information needs to be passed from one person to another. There’s a reason Gemini also rules short travels.

Literally and metaphorically, learning how to navigate fascist terrain will be a necessity. You cannot afford to be kettled during a protest. You cannot afford to have you and your comrades surrounded by militant forces with nowhere to go during a sit in. These traditional liberal tactics will die out as state suppression increases and direct action in all its forms and methods will become commonplace. You and your trusted alliances need to discuss how to maneuver when things get sticky and flip the script when it comes time to who is allowed to move about freely and who is trapped. If you or your comrades are trapped, develop methods on how to escape and get them out safely. Develop these routes and be so efficient that it exhausts the opposition energetically, physically, and economically. Move like water seeping through the soil.

Depicton of mychorrizae, or what nebo company calls “The Most Important Social Network You’ve Never Heard Of”

Within forests, trees roots are connected via underground root systems with the help of vast fungal networks that create a relationship called mycorrhizae, aka tree-fungi symbiosis. Trees use these underground networks to share nutrients and information with each other. The fungi benefit by taking some of the carbon-rich sugars the trees generate in photosynthesis, creating an invisible network of support, protection, and nourishment. Ferris Jabr, a New York Times science journalist, describes this process as a display of "interspecies selflessness of trees, however — a practice that verges on socialism."[1]

Mycorrhizae work 24/7 sending millions of messages between tree networks, completely invisible to us above-ground. This relationship is what keeps the entire ecosystem functioning, sustained, and breathing whilst being privately protected from aboveground forces.

Underground networks rely on insular, private, and secure methods of communication in order to keep functioning. Mutual aid is the most infamous method of semi-underground (formerly considered completely underground) networks sustaining vulnerable communities when systems of authority fail us.

Images of unhoused folks living in NYC's underground tunnels, via Business Inisder

“The ‘underground’ isn’t any one thing or place. There are many underground’s, there’s the criminal underground, an illegal abortion underground, revolutionary underground, undocumented labor underground’s etc. all existing & sometimes overlapping.” @peac3_by_piece

Within our own world of underground networks, the most invisible and unseen demographic is our unhoused community nationwide. Las Vegas is probably the most well known community of underground networks of unhoused folk, in which their own laws, barter system, culture, and methods of survival operate in a radical anarchist mode of community care. As these populations face the most brutal punishment of capitalism, they understand that capitalist logic has no place in keeping them afloat, and thus depend on a literal and figurative underground society in which they are able to live in a society obsessed with their extermination. They are the mychorrizae of society, and we have much to learn from them.

The existence of mycorrhizal networks confirms the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples according to the forest ecologist Sm’hayetsk Teresa Ryan, of Tsimshian heritage. They state that “there are many aboriginal groups that will tell you stories about how all the species in the forests are connected, and many will talk about below-ground networks.”

Socialism, communism, whatever you want to call it is nothing new in the history of humanity. It’s how indigenous societies outside of Europe and parts of Asia have existed for millenia before Western imperialism, and there are small glimpses of this natural way of life within the peripheries of capitalist mainstream society. As Pluto in Aquarius teams up with Uranus in Gemini, underground networks of communal care and living will be our life support during the crumbling infrastructure of western capitalist society. These vast and strong networks of the oppressed protected by the soil of the outcasted and neglected will sustain us while the turbulent storms above ground continue to weather their own inflicted storms.

Just as survival of the fittest" doesn’t apply to trees in the forests due to the symbiotic relationship that is mycorrhizae, it does not and never has applied to humanity despite what white supremacist patriarchal capitalism likes to tell us. The underground will function as our best weapon of defense, care, and survival in our quest for liberation.

✧ Changes to Borders and Travel

ETIAS is a new visa mandate by the EU requiring Visas for residents from previously exempt countries starting May 2025, two months before Uranus ingresses into Gemini. The US is included in this list.

As more internal disruptions occur due to food supply changes during this Uranus in Taurus transit (that we predict will be traced/spurred by Texas in one shape or form), climate-related destruction due to infrastructure, and the cost of living and internal disruptions due to revolutionary action against these oppressive systems, Uranus in Gemini will bring about mass movement from US and Israeli citizens either fleeing the country, or in the case of US citizens, fleeing to rural areas.

However, this will face pushback as countries not wanting to deal with this influx of US citizens and their infamous pattern of international gentrification and culture depletion. Countries will start to enforce new border, passport, and travel restrictions to the point that it might be extremely difficult or maybe even impossible to leave.

And knowing this country, with the way this country would rather k*ll itself than to lose money or an expendable labor force, who’s to say the US won’t lock our own borders down?

With mass amounts of US citizens leaving for better luck and and better living, we would not put it past us to have the US impose its own restrictions to borders and travel in the name of “national security.”

As protests and armed struggle becomes more widespread nationwide, expect border patrol to be deployed within the 100 foot buffer zone and make their presence known. Thus, the possibility of border patrol being enforced as a tool to prevent folks from leaving the country under the false flag of ‘security’ will be extremely high. For access to get a passport is imposed by an administration fee, but during the height of McCarthyism the state attempted to restrict alleged communists from leaving the country for international travel. The Supreme court eventually ruled in Kent Vs. Dulles that the government cannot restrict international travel without due process. So if people are rounded up through this 100 mile buffer and deemed as a threat, they have no right to international travel. Or worse, they’re not arrested at all, but their names end up ton the ‘no fly’ list because of their political affiliations.

On the other hand, this will also be applied back to the US and Israel as well. Countries bordering Palestine or those included in the axis of resistance currently and in the future will start to enforce their own border zones via the air to restrict the access to above ground destruction and chaos. In addition to barring Israeli and American citizens from traveling, expect countries to enforce ‘no-fly’ zones against the US and Israel to both prevent and completely halt the brutal attacks on Palestine in an effort to support the resistance on the ground and flip the tables on the Zionist regime.

With Gemini ruling over short travels and it’s opposing sign Sagittarius ruling international travel, the chances of protestors being barred from both state-wide and international travel will be extremely high.

Regardless, people are going to have to start to get real creative if they do want to leave temporarily or permanently. If y’all are planning on getting a visa or second passport, do that now. Get a bike, a horse, an e-scooter, hoverboard, SOMETHING.

Israel & USA Uranus Return

Let’s get this clear right tf now.

Palestine will be free.

Hawaii will be free.

Puerto Rico will be free.

Both the US and their bastard child Isr*el will be experiencing their US returns as they both have natal Gemini Uranus placements. Changes to borders will be an extremely prominent theme with both countries, and with the help of Pluto in Aquarius ushering a global spirit of liberation, human rights, and revolution, traditional borders will face massive disruptions.

Resistance (particularly armed resistance) has always and will always be the biggest threat to oppressive empires and regimes. And unfortunately for the US and Israel, Palestinian resistance is an unwavering force that strikes fear straight into the hearts of the imperial western empire. As gemini rules arms, Uranus in gemini as well as Jupiter ingressing into Gemini this year will usher in a wave of both international support via arming the Palestinian resistance directly, boots on the ground, disruptions to borders by unarmed Palestinians, and victories that will bring about a disruption to imperialist borders and achieve their inevitable freedom.

Hawaii and Puerto Rico being mainland territories of the US have been experiencing growing problems with gentrification, social disruption, and exploitation for wealthy US mainlanders extracting the resources, culture and spirit of these beautiful countries and their land. Trust that the citizens of both territories will be fighting to decolonize and separate from the US, just as settlers will be taking up arms to defend their right to keep colonizing.

In addition to Hawaii and Puerto Rico, mainland US will not be off the hook from decolonization efforts either. The US is also occupied stolen land yet continues to be ignored in the conversation of the settler colonial contradiction, and as such must and will be liberated. Land back movements will increase as the these transits approach and we should expect significant wins to indigenous land sovereignty and return of land, thus changing more borders within the US.

Uranus in Gemini: Border & Transportation Predictions

  • new technology surrounding cars, transport, air travel, & air based communication

    • new discoveries surrounding secret tunnels, roads, etc.

    • new dependence on different kinds of transportation that will replace cars such as bicycling, horseback riding, boats etc

  • sudden changes to travel domestically and internationally

    • flight and border shutdowns/lockdowns/restrictions by both the US and international countries against US and Israeli citizens

    • news about ‘intruders’ in cities (real or contrived)

    • spontaneous local acts of violence prompt the state to increase its presence on public transport, highways, ships, airplanes etc.

    • assassination attempts or shocking catastrophes via the air or transportation in general

    • border patrol enforced by the state against protestors within 100 mile buffer zone, issuing charges and revoking passports to protestors that are labeled as national security threats

    • ‘no fly lists’ explode with thousands of new names, becoming a national database that barres protestors from leaving the country via the air or by car.

    • ‘no fly’ zones imposed by countries in solidarity with Palestine, particularly at the border, thus restricting military drones from being able to bomb above ground.

  • insurrection and anarchy above ground & underground via travel routes

    • insurrection at state borders by state, revolutionary, & counterrevolutionary forces

    • border patrol deployed to cities and utilizing the 100 mile buffer zone to detain and arrest protestors, anarchists, armed resistance on the ground, and anyone opposing the state

  • boycotts & protests to car, train, and airplane manufacturers

    • divesting from car and airlines due to their funding and/or benefitting off of genocide and extreme exploitation

    • shut downs to highways/waterways/railways for protesting

  • innovative ways to use cars, roads and highways

    • roads being converted for non-car transportation

    • roads converted into local agriculture/farming purposes

    • versatile uses of traditional roadways and air travel

    • innovative ways to convert cars, trains, boats etc into vessels used to help local communities

    • community-based methods of travel, via carpooling, new railways or new tech innovations for travel

  • white flight to rural/conservative areas in the US or white countries/expat destinations internationally

As always, would love to hear what y’all thought about this segment!! Give us your thoughts, insights, predictions and connections. Be safe :)

- dana & cj <3

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4th world oasis
cosmopolitix by 4th world oasis
society, politics, and revolution through an astrological perspective. we'll be breaking down upcoming transits, what they'll mean for us as a collective and how we can use these cosmological tools to prepare us in our chapter in fighting for a liberated world.
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C. Jordan (they/she)