4th world oasis
cosmopolitix by 4th world oasis
okay astro girlies, who the hell is about to be president?

okay astro girlies, who the hell is about to be president?

a US election analysis looking at jupiter returns, solar eclipses, and third party options since anything is possible with these upcoming transits

[Quick side note apologies before we start: this pod was already filmed a whole month and a half ago and had to be tossed into the fire (for valid reasons). For starters CJ was not in the same timezone as I was at the time, which threw the first of many wrenches into the hole of getting this pod up. When we finally DID have a day to record, my computer was on life support buffering into exhaustion and I had to pause about 10 times to make sure that CJ could still hear me and that my audio was being picked up by the recording software. Lo and behold it didn’t !!! A whole hour of choppy indecipherable audio, just in time for mercury retrograde shadow period. I tried to salvage whatever audio I could but reluctantly knew we had to re-record whenever we had free time again. After many a schedule change we finally managed to re-record on Sunday. The weapons formed against us kinda prospered again.. BUT WE LIVE !!!]

Hey everyone! SO happy to be back for our third pod. It’s been a wild turn of events in this election cycle since we first recorded (for context, Biden was literally still an option when we first sat down to record this). MUCH has changed in such a short amount of time. On top of Biden dropping out, Trump got shot, and now RFK Jr. has stepped out but is still remaining on the ballot… interesting.

We said it was going to be a shit show, and with Trump’s sentencing being pushed to after the election, its full steam ahead into an unpredictable and seat-gripping election cycle. All we can say is if y’all tuned into the debate two nights ago, make sure you have a popcorn and melatonin subscription ready to last you until November 5th.

As usual, time stamps below followed by our full written analysis:

Time Stamps

  • 0:45 — Intro: humble apologies and updating our originally recorded analysis to provide a bigger picture of what transits occur most frequently in winning and losing candidates.

  • 1:32 — Yemeni Armed Force Victory: GREAT NEWS! The ninth $32 million dollar MQ-9 US drone has been shot down by the Yemeni Armed Forces. Another victory to the resistance in the ongoing struggle for Palestinian liberation, providing more evidence that resistance will always succeed in the face of imperialist brutality.

  • 4:30 — Reflections on RFK Jr.’s Spoiler Effect Devised During the April Eclipse: Context behind RFK Jr. being a spoiler candidate to prevent a Biden victory. Originally there was public animosity between Trump and RFK Jr., only to now be publicly colluding with each other.

  • 7:23 — April Solar Eclipse and RFK Jr’s. Jupiter Return Election Day Research: Background on our original theory of who might win based on the original three candidates that were Biden, Trump and RFK Jr. Using this information, we created a spreadsheet analyzing the transits on almost every election day in US history of former winning and losing candidates based on their Jupiter transits.

  • 8:15 — The September 2024 Solar Eclipse: September Eclipses shining a light on RFK Jr, with possible luck and attention during this time. Notoriety and public persona will be on the spotlight.

  • 9:35 — Protest Voting as the Unforeseen Spoiler Effect: thoughts on voters circling in RFK Jr. as a protest vote against Kamala and Trump thinking that it won’t matter, only to have a nationwide impact on the overall voting numbers for the top two candidates.

  • 11:54 — September 11th Appeals Court Date over Absentee Ballot Removal: Rejections from several state appeals courts over RFK Jr.’s request to remove his name off the ballot, while some granted his request.

  • 15:00 — The Kennedy Legacy Influencing Votes: Being that RFK Jr. has libertarian values that can appeal anyone, specifically being anti-war in many instances, thoughts on voters gambling with RFK Jr. instead of the polarizing the Democrat and Republican candidates is possible. Strong supporters would specifically be older voters who were alive to see a Kennedy presidency.

  • 16:55 — Contingent Elections: breakdown of what contingent elections are, their history in US politics, and three possible 269-269 map outcomes. Background on RFK Jr. telling supporters to vote for Trump in swing states but to vote for himself in ‘safe blue and red’ states.

  • 23:30 — Volatile Outcomes of 2024 Election: Possibility of contingent election, concessions, accusations of rigged elections from Trump, Republicans or Democrats.

  • 25:00 — Background of the Compromise of 1877: History on the election of 1876 during Reconstruction, in which four pro-slavery states disputed their remaining electoral votes. Democrats and Republicans met privately to discuss granting Hayes the presidency only if he agreed to end Reconstruction. Once Hayes agreed to the terms of this corrupt agreement, he became President and ended Reconstruction, giving what would be the current Republican party a win for white supremacy.

  • 27:55 — Similarities in Kamala’s Desire to Bring on Republicans with the Conditions of the Compromise of 1877 : Kamala stating she would hire Republicans to her cabinet if she wins, despite her campaign’s and DNC’s messaging stressing that Republicans must be defeated since they’re planning to destroy the country with Project 2025. This in addition to the lack of policies on her website mirrors the conspiratorial shadiness of the conditions included in the Compromise of 1877.

  • 33:16 — Possible Choices from the House if Contingent Election Occurred: What would it look like if during a contingent election if House decided to choose a candidate that placated Republican and Democrat supporters to avoid riots due to neither party winning?

  • 36:00 — Jupiter Return Benefits from RFK Jr. towards a Trump Win: Potential benefic Jupiter Return energy from RFK Jr. manifesting as a transfer of good luck towards Trump’s potential win due to the mass accumulation of supporters behind RFK Jr. who are now being told to vote for Trump.

  • 37:40 — The Astrology of Winning and Losing Presidential Candidates: Analyzing the Jupiter Returns of previous winning candidates during their respective election days, and the one shocking instance where a candidate had a natal Jupiter Return and lost the election to a candidate with the Solar Return Jupiter Return.

  • 42:18 — The 1824 Contingent Election: Background and astrology of the first contingent election as well as the transits for winning candidate John Quincy Adams.

  • 43:43 — Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn before Election Day: Pluto going direct after the election, along with Trumps pushed back sentencing date.

  • 46:19 — October Eclipse in the Charts of Presidential Candidates: Detailing the upcoming eclipse energy in the charts of the remaining candidates.

  • 52:00 (*NOTE* The audio was slightly out of sync and overlapped for the remainder of the pod, I was not being rude and cutting off CJ!!!! 😭😭😭)

  • 52:14 — Notable Election Day Transits of Previous Winners and Losers: Analyzing the shared transits of the current candidates with previous winning and losing presidential candidates

  • 56:05 — Comparing Political Party Synastry Charts with Kamala and Trump: Analyzing how the chart overlays of the Republican and Democratic Party with Trump and Kamala and how they manifest in how the party and their supporters view them.

  • 59:20 — Thoughts on the October Eclipse in Candidate’s Charts: Breakdown of how the October Eclipse might play out for Kamala and Trump, impacting the rest of their campaign run.

  • 1:07:00 — Closing Thoughts: Ending reflections on this campaign cycle, how unpredictable this race is given how strong and volatile these transits are for the remaining candidates, and how to prepare for whoever wins come November.

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The Possibility of a Contingent Election

Contingent elections… what are they?

If it’s another thing this country loves to do, it’s write loopholes into their allegedly fair and democratic society. As a refresher, in order to win as the Presidential nominee, a candidate can win the popular vote but due to the Electoral College ultimately needs to secure a total of 270 electoral votes. But on October 26th, 1824, Congress was faced with the first dilemma of its kind.

Four major candidates ran and none of them secured enough electoral votes to win, meaning that it was up to the House of Representatives to pick one of them for president. These running candidates were John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William Crawford and Henry Clay. The original four presidential candidates eventually narrowed down to three, as Henry Clay came in last in the popular vote to be considered for election in the House.

Even though Andrew Jackson ultimately won the popular vote, the House still had to come to a decision being that nobody won the electoral vote; and thus a deal was struck with third place finisher Henry Clay. After 3 months of deliberation, John Quincy Adams ended up winning the ballot. The transiting Jupiter was conjuncting his natal Mercury and Mars as well as the transiting Mars in its exaltation (Capricorn) conjuncting his natal Moon at the time of both the election and final winter deliberation.

After Adams was elected by the House for office, he then nominated Henry Clay to serve as Secretary of State, which had been recognized as the pathway to the presidency at the time. Clay then endorsed Adams for president in January of 1825, and less than two weeks before the House came to a final decision, an anonymous letter printed in the Columbian Observer accused Henry of making a deal with Adams. Jackson himself described this deal as a "corrupt bargain," and vowed to run again in 1828.

This election was notable for, according to 270 to Win, “being the only time since the passage of the Twelfth Amendment in which the presidential election was decided by the House of Representatives, as no candidate received a majority of the electoral vote.” This election was also the only one in which the candidate receiving the most electoral votes did not become president, and often said to be the first election in where the president did not win the popular vote.

The three possible scenarios in which a contingent election could play out are as shown below:

Political analysts, government agencies, and regular folks alike are all waiting at baited breath to see who is going to be the winner of the most important election of our lifetime for the 47th time. The candidates at the present moment are so polarizing that preparation for insurrections across all political lines have been fully drafted and prepared for months in advance.

The question is which president is the most likely to prevent civil unrest? Is it the candidate that hid in a far away bunker on January 6th and denounced his supporters? Is it the candidate that is ready to unleash the most lethal military on their citizens at the mere suggestion of government protest? Or is it the candidate that is such an ideological wildcard that staunch Republicans and Democrats alike might take a breather for the next few months and wait to see what comes of them?

If a contingent election were to occur, which candidate would they think can preserve the empire the best? Which candidate is too risky? Which candidate is too unpopular? Which candidate can do damage control in preserving the illusion of democracy? Which candidate is the House the willing to roll the dice on in securing the foundation of fascism under the nose of the average American? Is this government ready for a race war? A civil war? Who has the ability to maintain the status quo before these inevitable revolts occur?

If a replay of 1824 occurs on November 5th this year, the House will be deliberating for who knows how long before they can decide on what they want the next four years in this country to look like, and who is best equipped to steer the country towards it. Anything is possible this year.

A History of Democrats Making Deals with the Devil

"Tilden or Blood" political cartoon.

The election of 1824 wasn’t the last of a chain of corrupt bargains in US presidential history. In the election of 1876, Rutherford B. Hayes received a total of 165 uncontested votes, with Samuel J. Tilden receiving 184. In order to reach the majority that would lock in a winning ticket, receiving 185 votes was necessary to claim the presidency. Four pro-slavery states, which were Florida, Oregon, Louisiana, and South Carolina, returned their disputed slates of presidential electors, leaving a total of 20 electoral votes at stake. If just one disputed elector went to Tilden, he would secure the presidency. Hayes, on the other hand, needed all 20 votes to secure a winning bid. In order to resolve this, Congress passed the Electoral Commission Act to review the contested elections.

Reconstruction, race riots, and the freedoms of formerly enslaved Black Americans were the primary concerns if Tilden were to win this election. And so, in a secret, and to this day debated historical meeting, Democrats and Republicans met privately to discuss the terms of granting Hayes the presidency, only agreeing to hand him (who in modern day would be considered a Democrat) the winning bid only if he agreed to end Reconstruction. Once Hayes agreed to the terms of this corrupt agreement, his presidency was secured, and the Reconstruction period ended, giving what would be the current Republican party a win to continue the legacy of state sanctioned white supremacy by starting a new chapter in American history which would be the Jim Crow Era.

Top image: “Compromise with the South” political cartoon in reference to the 1877 compromise.

For months we’ve had to endure fear-mongering, harassment, and vitriol from liberals over the perpetual threat of America under Project 2025. This threat was so prolific that it almost became an entity of its own at the DNC, reminding the nation that if we ‘want to save democracy,’ we can’t let Trump or Republicans win this election.

And yet, for someone who is so concerned about the lakes of fire and plagues of oppression that will sweep the nation if Republicans get into office, Kamala sure is comfortable with not only aligning with them, but willing to offer some a cabinet position if elected. This comes at no shock, as she is the epitome of a true liberal. Securing this fascist settler paradigm that already operates under the comfortable cloak of the status quo has been her prerogative her entire political career.

Compromising with conservatives is the ethos of liberalism, and it was only a matter of time before she went full mask off to her loyal supporters that will come up with any excuse to justify how her words say one thing, yet her actions are in direct opposition with her alleged fears of a Republican Party takeover. We wouldn’t put it past us that in the event a few southern states refuse to hand over their delegates to her presidential win, a corrupt bargain for Kamala to either directly implement or passively fulfill a few Project 2025 policies to secure her presidency is not even that far fetched. And the sad part is they probably don’t even need to formally meet, as she will probably do it on her own free will.

Whether its 1877 or 2024, preserving the American empire is always the only thing at stake.

Jupiter Returns and Spoiler Effects

Winning the presidency requires equal parts unpredictability, destiny, a strong base, and above all good fortune. And there’s no other planet to look to for who might win the biggest contest in the country than the most expansive fortune bearing planet in our solar system.

Jupiter Returns occur every 12 years for all of us, marking a time of peak expansive benevolence and opportunity. We wanted to see if it would be possible to pick up notable transits in winning presidential candidates in US history, and thus embarked on a two month long research project logging every candidate’s Jupiter transits on the election day of their campaign years. And let me tell you this was NO EASY FEAT!!!! (I can still feel my hands cramp from how long it took to manually log everything) I eventually plan before November 5th to have every single transit logged for further breakdown. The Jupiter transits have, of course, been the most significant and notable, so that’s what we will get into today.

After recording this final pod, I was finally able to find the confirmed birthdays of the remaining winning and losing candidates of every US election, and my original Jupiter Return theory still holds water.

Since the very first election, there have been a total of five presidents experiencing their natal Jupiter Return on the election day during the year they ran for office. These winning presidents were:

  • 1852 Franklin Pierce (+ solar return Jupiter Return)

  • 1940 Franklin D. Roosevelt 

  • 1972 Richard Nixon, (+ solar return Jupiter Return)

  • 2008 Barack Obama, a few days shy of his Jupiter Return (+ solar return Jupiter Return)

  • 2016 Donald Trump

Since 1789, there has only been ONE time in US history where a candidate had their Jupiter Return and lost to a candidate that was NOT experiencing a Jupiter Return, only experiencing their solar return Jupiter Return. It was during the 1960 election, in which Richard Nixon, the Jupiter Return candidate, lost the election. The winning opponent was no one other than John F. Kennedy, who was experiencing his solar return Jupiter Return on election day. This year, Kamala Harris will be mirroring JFK’s astrology, having a solar return Jupiter Return on election day.

It’s interesting that of all candidates someone experiencing a Jupiter Return could lose against it would be a Kennedy of all people. The Kennedy Family is infamous for having a mystical lineage, most notably for tragically unfortunate reasons (see: The Kennedy Curse.) Being that RFK Jr. will still be on the ballots November 5th despite his pleas to get his name taken off, could this be a repeat of the 1960 election in which a natal Jupiter Return candidate will lose to the competing candidate experiencing their solar return Jupiter Return? Or will the pattern continue of natal Jupiter Return candidates besting all of their competitors?

At the beginning of this year, I tweeted a very short theory that Biden would die, Kamala would replace him, and that RFK Jr. would ultimately take the whole thing. My theory has manifested in a slight deviation: instead of Biden croaking, he simply stepped down (although there’s still time for him to pass away before the election.) Kamala did replace him, but only in terms of the election, and RFK Jr. despite his best attempts is still a consideration for November.

Before the April eclipse early this year, we discovered a not-so-secret plan from the RFK JR. campaign team, in which they to conjured what’s known as a ‘spoiler effect’ to effectively hand the Republicans a winning ticket in order to sabotage Biden (who was still in the race at this time.) This plan was already documented and for public access if anyone cared to look up RFK Jr.s campaign page on Wikipedia.

I guess this was not at the top of most people’s mind, as an allegedly leaked clip of RFK Jr. congratulating Trump after his first debate with Biden made its rounds on Twitter early in the summer, much to the shock and dismay of folks who had no idea about the publicly known spoiler effect that had been devised back in April.

This spoiler effect had piqued both of our interest the second we found out about it. It would take some serious good luck for a third party candidate to have enough influence and reach to sabotage an entire election, one which at the time was looking like a nail biter with two former rivals gearing up for round two at the ballot this year. Learning that RFK Jr. was also going to be having a Jupiter Return felt like the missing puzzle piece in his spoiler effect game plan.

At this moment, the transiting Jupiterian energy has already paid off for him as the most prominent third party candidate this year. Now that all cards are on the table, could his partial pulling out of the race manifest in a transfer of benefic energy towards Trump? In analyzing the election day transits of all three candidates, Trump by far had little to no transiting Jupiterian influence, lacking both a natal Jupiter Return and a solar return Jupiter Return. With the way RFK JR. and Trump have fortified themselves as an alliance and announcing to the public that they had been in cahoots this entire time, could RFK Jr. transfer his benefic energy towards Trump to secure a Republican win?

He’s already garnered a significant voter base that have been told to cast their vote for Trump if they live in swing states. This powerful Jupiter Return influence in his favor might just be the tipping point as to what would have been an astrologically dull forecast for a 2024 Trump win.

On election day, Kamala will have a solar return Jupiter Return, RFK Jr. will have a natal Jupiter Return, and Trump will have neither. As stated earlier, I will try to have a fully fleshed out transit analysis including every single transit chart from each candidate in every US election before November 5th so we can all start to cast our own mini bets on who might win based on the planetary influence.

But in the meantime, here are the most notable shared transits between Kamala and Trump amongst both winning and losing candidates in US election history:

Trump’s Notable Election Day Transits

Transiting Mars conjunct Natal Saturn

  • 1832 — Andrew Jackson, WON

  • 1960 — John F. Kennedy, WON

Transiting Moon sextile Natal Jupiter

  • 1804 — Thomas Jefferson, WON

  • 1964 — Lyndon B. Johnson, WON

Transiting Uranus square Ascendant

  • 1792 — George Washington, WON when Pluto was in Aquarius

Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Jupiter

  • 1832 — Henry Clay, LOST to Andrew Jackson

  • 1844 — Henry Clay, LOST to James K Polk

  • 1848 — Lewis Cass, LOST to Zachary Tylor

  • 1856 — John C. Frémont LOST to Buchanan

  • 1888 — Grover Cleveland LOST to Benjamin Harrison

  • 1908 — William Taft ** WON **

  • 1912 — William Taft LOST to Woodrow Wilson

  • 1920 — James M Cox, LOST to Warren G Harding

  • 1924 — John W. Davis LOST to Calvin Coolidge

  • 1932 — Franklin D Roosevelt ** WON **

  • 1962 — Barry Goldwater, LOST to Lyndon B Johnson

  • 1988 — Michael Dukakis, 1988 LOST to George HW Bush

  • 2000 — George W Bush ** WON *

Kamala’s Notable Election Day Transits

Transiting Jupiter square Natal Uranus

  • 1868 Ulysses S Grant - WON

  • 1944 —Thomas E Dewey - LOST to Franklin D Roosevelt

  • 1984 - Walter Mondale, LOST to Ronald Reagan

Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Mars

  • 1823 — Andrew Jackson, WON

  • 1860 — Abraham Lincoln, WON

  • 1912 — Woodrow Wilson, WON

  • 1920 — Warren G. Harding, WON

  • 2016 — Hillary Clinton, LOST to Donald Trump during his Jupiter Return

NOTE: Four presidents have won with this transit, but interestingly the only time this did not play out favorably was when Hillary lost in 2016, when Trump was experiencing his Jupiter Return on that election day. As we noted, RFK Jr. will be experiencing his Jupiter Return on election day this year, and Kamala, like Hillary, will also have the transiting Jupiter sextiling her natal mars during election day. The possibility of these mirrored 2016 transits repeating itself in the same outcome winners and losers is also looking extremely high.

October Libra Eclipse Predictions

Some final closing thoughts on the upcoming transits:


  • Celebrities and influencer endorsements (5H = entertainment) start to flood in for her. Being that she has made it clear that she has no interest in vying for the support of those aware of her genocidal and fascist plans for her presidency, she might be turning towards gaining the support of more Republicans and conservatives in a bid to secure a win, even if it ultimately helps Trumps core base in the end. Celebrities and influencers that have been relatively quiet about politics this year may come out to publicly (10°=public) back her.

  • Being that the 5H rules children, Kamala might come out making bold promises surrounding protecting reproductive rights. Her policies have, for the most part, been an exact copy and paste from Biden’s original policy plan. As most of his promises have not manifested during his current presidency, her last effort to appeal to voters might focus on appealing to women at large, particularly middle class white women who have a history of voting in the interest of their race above all else.

  • Kamala is a Libra herself, a sign whose archetype is known for being disingenuous in the ways that in being a friend to all, they ultimately are a friend to none. The transiting Mercury will also be in Libra at 11° (Aquarius), a double dose of getting all kinds of folks to be on her side. Libra has to balance the scales, representing friends and enemies. She has already affirmed her true liberal values in saying she would offer a Republican a cabinet position if elected. Expect to see more campaigns like ‘Republicans for Kamala,’ as well as her publicly confirming her comfortability and desire to brush cheeks with Republicans if it means boogeyman Trump isn’t in office.


  • Trump’ s values, finances, and assets will be of significant prominence and introspection during this time. Money trouble. In typical exploitative billionaire fashion, most of his rallies are outside since he has a record of not paying his organizers or the facilities. This eclipse could be in relation to the charges that he’s currently awaiting sentencing for. Last minute updates on the trial, as well as information that might put him behind bars after the election, are to be expected.

  • After his assassination attempt shook him up, what is he trying to change? His values will a key theme for this eclipse, in which he might do a last minute rebrand to look more empathetic. Changes in his values to appear more moderate and appeal to a broader range of folks, including those that are undecided or those that have completely turned their back on the Democrats. Alternatively, this could be when he decides to fully embrace the conservative villain archetype he’s been assigned and try to signal that he fully intends to turn this country into whatever Project 2025 nightmare we’ve been fed the past several months.

  • Taking an economic approach to gaining last minute voters could be how this eclipse manifests. Offering aneconomic bargain to undecided and uncommitted voters could be a last ditch bid to gain more supporters at the ballot. Ex: offering some sort of widespread student loan forgiveness, stimulus checks, credits for young adults to become home owners, etc.

  • He could potentially posture himself as conditionally anti-war for economic reasons. Many Republicans don’t believe it’s financially responsible to keep funding Ukraine and that Europe should fund their own wars. This is falsely framed as anti-war, when it is ultimately about resources and finances.

  • On election day, Pluto will be 29° in his 5H, with the transiting Leo Mars stationed in his 11H, and Jupiter RX will be conjuncting his natal Sun, North Node and Natal Venus. Given our theories about inheriting the abundance from RFK Jr.’s Jupiter Return, this could manifest in what would normally be an uneventful Jupiter transit for him might show up as an unexpected burst of fortune for his campaign.

  • Viral Trump moments of all kinds are to be expected with the upcoming 11H stellium. Anything involving Trump, for good and bad, is going to send the internet into a frenzy (11H=internet/virality). Expect jokes and memes to last us for years to come with this 5H and 11H axis being activated.


  • September: Change to his “luck” and position in law. The transiting Libra Venus at 23° will be squaring his natal Cancer Uranus. A battle of ideas (Libra/air) versus emotions (Cancer/water) as well as changes to his relationships will be prominent around this time. The transiting Venus will also be conjuncting his natal Libra Neptune at 26°, where he may be in his daydream bag about what is possible for him and his future relationships.

  • The transiting Taurus Uranus at 27° will be in retrograde trining his Capricorn stellium (Sun, Mercury, Venus, N Node & Chiron), emphasizing a changing relationship to authority. As a Capricorn stellium, RFK Jr. has always struggled with the desire for recognition due to his family legacy, but this trine will be a full circle moment for him, almost as if all the work he’s been doing is paying off. This will also be boosted by the transiting Pluto in Capricorn at 29° conjunct his Capricorn stellium, where we can expect some spotlight granted to him during this time.

  • There might be scandal that arises for him around the eclipse, as the transiting Mars in Cancer will be squaring his natal asteroids in Poseidon & Cupido. Poseidon is about ‘enlightenment’ — think Pisces and Jupiter together. Being that the rose-tinted glasses can fog the information, there may be something deeper below the surface that is hidden.

  • The transiting Virgo Mercury at 14° will also be trining his natal Venus and North Node, helping him communicate his ideas and visions as he continues to campaign alongside Trump while still remaining on the ballot himself. Think of it like the authority of Capricorn being supported by the meticulous and hyper analytical Mercury, giving very strategic vibes for handling an event.

  • October: The Solar Eclipse at 10° will be squaring his natal Sun, Mercury, Venus, Node and Chiron in Capricorn, bringing challenges to his relationship with authority. There may be a scandal in his relationships or notable news with a powerful woman due to the eclipse being in Libra (relationships; ruled by Venus) at 10° (authority ~ Capricorn degree). Some news about RFK Jr. may also be misinformation, or information that’s clouded by rose-tinted glasses.

  • The Libra Solar Eclipse at 10° will conjunct his natal Poseidon and transiting Libra Mercury at 11°. Poseidon is a trans-neptune point covering enlightenment, but also illusion since it acts like a super Neptune. We could see some mud slinging, or RFK Jr. attempting to remain legitimate in the race. In addition to the conjunctions above, three transit trines to his natal Jupiter, may be giving him his biggest boost and spotlight just before the election.

  • The Solar Eclipse (Sun-Moon), and Mercury will all trine his natal Jupiter. What's ringing is ‘self-preservation.’ His natal Mars in Scorpio at 16 degrees will trine the transit Saturn in Pisces at 14, giving him more power at having discipline. Mars co-rules Scorpio with Pluto, and this natal position has likely allowed him to move below the surface. Scorpio is all about depth, and he has been able to campaign pretty below the mainstream news apparatus, which makes him a sleeper soldier for this 2024 election.

  • Transiting Taurus Uranus at 26°will conjunct his natal Korono (authority) squaring his natal Leo Pluto RX at 24°. The sudden changes he faces will be agitating a power (Pluto) struggle (square). Taurus and Leo are both fixed signs that ultimately seek stability. Taurus (fixed earth) seeks security in more tangible ways such as material resources/support. Taurus wants to guard what they have earned or acquired. Leo (fixed fire) seeks to stabilize its authority, and will fight for it whether they have legitimate authority or not. The transiting Uranus has helped RFK Jr. gain quick attention and grow his authority (Kronos), and he seeks to guard it while fighting (Leo) for more power (Pluto).

  • In March, he picked Nicole Shanahan as his running mate, so the two of them may see their attention grow. Some fated (Node) event that will expand (Jupiter) his physical actions (Mars). There may be some kind of inner turmoil he will have to deal with especially as it relates to power (Pluto). He might be strategizing and trying to figure out how we will use this moment. This could also be an ending of a union or relationship with a woman, not reading this as a romantic ending. Further emphasis on his relationships changing, but this time might be his physical self (Sun) seeing the sudden changes (Uranus). Some fated event possibly with technology since this midpoint forms at Venus at 23°

Regardless who wins, PLEASE get some sleep on November 5th

All this astro talk to say, it’s looking volatile across the board. The fact that a third party candidate will be experiencing their Jupiter Return on election day already threw this entire election into a pot of unpredictability from the start. But no matter who ends up winning November 5th (or even a few days/weeks/months later..) be prepared mentally, spiritually, and physically for what’s to come after this election cycle is behind us. As we’ve discussed in many a previous post, MAGA stans, white supremacists, and fascists of all shapes and shades don’t need much of a reason to get activated after this election. If secures a Trump win, it’s confirmation that this country is a free for all for their bidding. If Trump loses, the most delusional are ready to conduct another January 6th, and the more covert ones know that they will have protection under the other candidates who’ve made it clear that they serve the empire and the empire alone.

Regardless of the outcome, every US presidential election has always been a competition to see who gets to be the next imperialist pig in charge. We know that behind the smoke and mirrors of political theatre, these diabolical marionettes dressed as presidential candidates are being pulled around the clock by the strings of white supremacy and settler colonization. The amphitheater of the US empire is going up in flames, and no amount of cheap theatrics will save it from collapsing into a pile of ash in few years time.

But before the curtain falls for good, get that popcorn subscription ready because Steve Kornacki has his work cut out for him in two months.

Thank you guys for tuning in!! Thank you once again for your patience on this. Your support means the absolute world to us, we want to hear your thoughts! We’ll catch you at the next pod this month, stay safe and stay healthy :) ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

- Dana & CJ


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4th world oasis
cosmopolitix by 4th world oasis
society, politics, and revolution through an astrological perspective. we'll be breaking down upcoming transits, what they'll mean for us as a collective and how we can use these cosmological tools to prepare us in our chapter in fighting for a liberated world.
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